Remove NSFW-adult content. Your profile is marked as NSFW because your profile contains content that is adult in nature but is not marked as such.
To remove this mark from your profile, press the gear icon or go to your profile > ‘Settings’ > ‘Customize Profile’ > ‘Profile Category’ > and select ‘ This content is suitable for Everyone.
There is an option to enable and disable NSFW adult content.
If you click the right button, the mark will disappear from your profile.
What is Reddit?
Reddit is an American social news aggregation, content rating, and discussion website. Registered users (commonly referred to as “Redditors“) submit content to the site, such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members.
Posts are organized by subject into user-created boards called “communities” or “subreddits.” Submissions with more upvotes appear towards the top of their subreddit and, if they receive enough upvotes, ultimately on the site’s front page.
What is the difference between Reddit and Subreddit?
Reddit is a social network where registered members can vote on and discuss content. It comprises millions of collective niche forums or groups called Subreddits. To put it differently, Reddit is a social platform comprised of subreddits.
How does Reddit make money?
The company generates revenue through advertising and an ad-free premium membership plan. Reddit operates in the application-software segment of the technology industry, providing software that allows users to share media content.
What was the first subreddit?
So, surprise, surprise, the first-ever subreddit was the /r/NSFW (not safe for work), which removed the nudity and racy posts from the home page.
Next, Reddit admins created /r/science and /r/programming, two topics that still rank as the most popular on the platform.