Hackers Stole $15M From Crypto.com

Blockchain data suggests that hackers stole $15 million from Crypto.com users. The cryptocurrency exchange admitted it was hacked but insists that “no customer funds were lost.” Judging by the comments made,

Crypto.com plans to reimburse users who were robbed during the security breach.

Crypto.com CEO Kris Marszalek said hackers have compromised around 400 customer accounts in a hack in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Wednesday.

His confirmation of the breach comes after multiple Crypto.com users alleged their funds had been stolen

— complaints that had until now been met with vague responses from the company. 

On Jan. 17, Crypto.com admitted via Twitter that “a small number of users” had reported “suspicious activity”

and that it has paused withdrawals to “ensure the safety of users’ funds.”

Then, later that day, the crypto exchange tweeted that it had dealt with the issue and strengthened its security

infrastructure, and restored all withdrawal services, adding that “all funds are safe.

Investigation Shows That $15 Million Was Stolen

Crypto.com’s endeavors to console clients that everything was taken care of and that the hack hadn’t brought about

its clients losing reserves have managed a pass up a tweet from China-based blockchain security firm PeckShield.

In opposition to Crypto.com’s line that “all assets are protected,” PeckShield uncovered that the trade had really lost about $15 million of assets.
A few Crypto.com clients likewise conceded on Twitter that assets had been taken from their records.

PeckShield’s charges were then supported by some industry investigators, including Scott Pounder,

head of examinations at Crystal Blockchain, who expressed, as per Fortune, that blockchain information shows that a “critical total” was taken from Crypto.com.

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