
How to do Keyword Research for free

This is a method to do keyword research for free Tools we are going to use: Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator:…

How to remove google penalty from your website

Remove google penalty. The first thing you must do is detect why we have been penalized. It is necessary to…

How to know if your website is penalized by Google

Is the website penalized by Google? There are the types of penalties: Algorithmic Penalty: This type of penalty is automatic…

How to Remove Previous Post and Next Post

Remove the previous post and next post from your page on WordPress and blogger. On WordPress : You need to…

How you can crawl your post to google instantly

Crawl your post to google instantly with google’s new indexing API. You can index your pages and posts immediately. The…

How to Remove Header From Home Page Only

Remove Header From Home Page Only. For WordPress users, you must add a CSS code to your theme to remove…

How to Transfer your Theme Settings to a Child Theme

Transfer your Theme Settings to a Child Theme. Create a child theme and transfer your settings and CSS codes to…

How to Open Menu Links in a New Tab at WordPress

Set Menu Links to open in a New Tab To open the menu links in a new tab is easy…

How to Center Post Titles on WordPress

Center Post Titles. To the center, your post title on WordPress follow those steps. Go to any post and press…

How to remove tags from your posts with css

Remove the tags from your posts easily: You must go to custom CSS and add this code : footer.entry-meta {…